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AAU Quan?tum Hub

Quantum technology is under rapid development and AAU is a strong partner in this transformation. The ˇ°AAU Quantum Hubˇ± is your entrance to quantum research at Aalborg University. The Hub covers research and teaching in e.g. quantum computing, quantum communication, and post-quantum cryptology. In terms of activities the Hub arranges seminars, provides courses, presentations etc.

AAU Quan?tum Hub

Quantum technology is under rapid development and AAU is a strong partner in this transformation. The ˇ°AAU Quantum Hubˇ± is your entrance to quantum research at Aalborg University. The Hub covers research and teaching in e.g. quantum computing, quantum communication, and post-quantum cryptology. In terms of activities the Hub arranges seminars, provides courses, presentations etc.

Quantum Research Directions

Quantum Related News

Quantum Events

AAU Quantum Hub
