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International Relations

Master degree

International Relations

Are you interested in how international relations play a role in our society? On the Master's program in International Relations, you get an interdisciplinary approach to the study of international relations from a social science perspective with a strong focus on sustainability, as well as global and regional governance.

Reasons you should choose this programme

  • You gain knowledge about international politics and institutions
  • You will learn about political participation and civil society in a global perspective
  • You gain competences within sustainability and project management


2-year educationEnglish

Master degree

International Relations

Are you interested in how international relations play a role in our society? On the Master's program in International Relations, you get an interdisciplinary approach to the study of international relations from a social science perspective with a strong focus on sustainability, as well as global and regional governance.

Reasons you should choose this programme

  • You gain knowledge about international politics and institutions
  • You will learn about political participation and civil society in a global perspective
  • You gain competences within sustainability and project management


2-year educationEnglish

Master of International Relations

Aalborg University offers a two-year English language Master of Social Science program in International Relations. The program addresses major international issues with a strong focus on sustainability and global and regional governance.

Academic content

Semester descriptions

Tailor your own profile

You can choose between four different profiles.? You can also follow the program without choosing a profile, by simply using the profiles modules as electives.


Project oriented course

Guest student program

Study abroad

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While studying at AAU, you can participate in career and job-related events, find help on our website, and book a personal career counselling session to talk about e.g.:

  • Finding your way in your career
  • Danish working culture
  • Application and CV the Danish way
  • What you can offer an employer
  • How to go about job search in Denmark 每 both student job, internship and full-time job

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