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HomeAbout AAUStrategyStrategy 2016-21

Identity, culture and communication

Vision for identity, culture and communication

We act and are recognised as a university with a distinct profile and a high quality level in all of our activities. All employees are dedicated to creating knowledge for the benefit of our students and the surrounding society.

Our interactions and relationships are based on openness, inclusion, mutual respect, professionalism and quality across disciplinary fields, scientific and administrative functions, campuses and managerial levels.

We will enhance AAU¡¯s culture and identity as a university involved in collaboration with the surrounding society.

Our ambition is that AAU¡¯s communication activities will promote the sense of cultural community across the University¡¯s organisational and geographical units and clarify AAU¡¯s qualities within the organisation and in the surrounding society.

Our communication must continuously develop and support the University¡¯s four characteristic features: problem orientation, collaboration, commitment and change.

Identity, culture and communication initiatives


Frameworks will be established for a project which will enhance AAU¡¯s identity and cohesion and form the basis of the University¡¯s communication activities. It must be made clear to all what we believe in, what we stand for and what we have to offer. A central aspect of the project is that it takes as its point of departure AAU¡¯s four characteristic features.