Aalborg University

Aalborg University

The interdisciplinary AAU Digitalization Committee reports to the Executive Board and has overall responsibility for the entire digitalization portfolio. SRFI, DSUR and AL are each responsible for a digitalization portfolio that corresponds to their respective areas of responsibility; research and innovation, education, and the administrative area. SRFI, DSUR and AL are responsible for the implementation and prioritization of initiatives within their own portfolios, while the Digitalization Committee decides on the overall framework for the digitalization portfolios and ensures the overall cross-cutting funding and prioritization.
A digitalization partner group in ITS supports the Digitalization Committee and? SRFI, DSUR, and AL in the management of the digitalization portfolios, including gathering new requirements from the local environments and supporting that decisions are taken according to the relevant prioritization in the respective portfolio bodies, or in the Digitalization Committee. This organization anchors the strategic discussions regarding digitalization in existing bodies and leaves room for continuous prioritization of the portfolios close to the relevant environments, including prioritization of new wishes and needs that may arise at faculty, institute or department level.
If you have any questions for the committee, please feel free to contact:
Head of Digitization? Lars S?rensen??
Phone: 6196 7113